About Me

Welcome to Megabelli Imprints

My daughter, Meghan, was diagnosed with Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma on September 28, 2007.
She passed away on July 13, 2008.

We had started an online webpage on CaringBridge when Meghan was first diagnosed. Friends have encouraged me to write my memoir of her diagnosis, her passing and my family’s grief journey. It never felt like the right time, and of course the idea of writing it was quite daunting. I have never written anything professionally, so how do I get a publisher interested in publishing me? In 2018, I was led to a crowdfunding community for independent publishing. Yes, self-publishing!! This is the way.

For my memoir, I have gathered the journal entries from Meghan’s online web page and supplemented them with entries from my private journal as well as emails sent to friends, medical professionals, cancer survivors, DIPG parents and parents of other pediatric cancers. It is with hope that in sharing our memories of Meghan and our grief journey, we can heal and gently move forward.

I launched the crowdfunding campaign for this very book, on July 10, 2021, 13 years after Meghan’s passing at the age of 13. The timing of the launch was not one which I planned. It was her voice in my heart that said, “Now!”. If not for the launch of this book, I would be planting my foot into the abyss of the 14th year and beyond of her passing. Instead, I stepped into LOVE and touched the sky.


Megabelli 爱玲

  • contact
  • megabelliimprints@gmail.com
  • 934-226-5427
  • P.O. Box 2008
  • Miller Place, NY 11764
  • Copyright © 2023 Megabelli Imprints™